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Jenny Huang

From Friendship to Cybersecurity: Jenny Huang's Journey at Cal Poly's CCI

B.S., Computer Science, 2026

What drew you to come work at the Cal Poly California Cybersecurity Institute? 


Before coming to work at CCI, Jenny was good friends with Adi Gottumukkala, President of Cal Poly Esports and project manager for CCI. Jenny was introduced to CCI by Adi, and she was enticed as she was looking for a student developer role that would help her gain experience to take into future internships.


What interests you about cybersecurity or technology? 


As a computer science major, Jenny has always had an interest in technology and has grown a passion for teaching others technology, fueling her passion for teaching middle and high schoolers cybersecurity through the Space Grand Challenge. Jenny credits seeing how much her older brother valued cybersecurity inspired her to take cybersecurity more seriously, putting effort into keeping her data safe from malicious activity.



What have you been working on at the Cal Poly California Cybersecurity Institute? And what skills have you learned or applied during your tenure? 


Jenny works for the Unity Team at CCI and is working on redesigning the rooms and challenges for the next Space Grand Challenge. Before CCI, Jenny wasn’t the most familiar with Unity, and she learned how to attack problems and effectively manage her time whilst learning how to develop in Unity.


How does the Cal Poly California Cybersecurity Institute fit in your future career?  


Jenny is planning to go into a career of software development/game development, and she is grateful for the hands-on experience with game development she has gained working with CCI. Jenny claims these rooms are the most complex ones yet, with a lot of effort being put into the assets to make it look as realistic as possible.


What are you excited for with CCI coming up in the future?


Jenny is excited for the new base models that have been created and are currently being implemented for next years’ Space Grand Challenge. She is looking forward to developing an entirely new scavenger hunt with the new assets, as the increase in detail from the new assets will enhance player immersion.


More Student Stories

This student profile was written by Parker McKenzie (COMS).