The CCI invites corporations to join as a sponsor of the Space Grand Challenge 2022. Sponsorship of the Challenge provides unique branding, reinforcing sponsors’ positions as key players in the cybersecurity and national security space.
Sponsors would have access to the following benefits:

Planet Sponsor: $25,000
(maximum three sponsors; $23,900 Tax Deductible)
All the benefits of the Moon Sponsor level and:
- Feature up to 8 ‘commercial reels’ during esports broadcast (scheduled over competition days; video length maximum is 1 minute 30 seconds)
- 10-minute corporate spotlight and conversation with Bill Britton, CCI director, and/or Martin Minnich, CCI program manager
- Corporate representative to provide remarks at either opening/closing ceremonies
- Corporate one-pager included with team registration packets
- Invitation for 1 corporate representative to join the SGC Advisory Board (2-year term)

Moon Sponsor: $10,000
($9,200 Tax Deductible)
All the benefits of the Comet Sponsor level and:
- Logo included with team registration packets
- Feature an additional 2 ‘commercial reels’ during esports broadcast (scheduled over competition days; video length maximum is 1 minute 30 seconds) [total of 4 reels]
- Invitation for corporate representatives (maximum 3) to attend coaches-only program (tentatively scheduled for day 2)
- Invitation for a corporate virtual booth, accessible to faculty, Cal Poly students, and game participants

Comet Sponsor: $5,000
($4,900 Tax Deductible)
- Verbal acknowledgement of sponsorship at opening/closing ceremonies
- Digital Logo on recruitment materials prior to/after competition
- Digital Logo featured during competition
- Feature 2 ‘commercial reels’ during esports broadcast (scheduled over competition days; video length maximum is 1 minute 30 seconds)
- Opportunity to participate in A La Carte sponsorship opportunities (pricing guide provided upon request)
- Invitation for Corporate Representatives to attend opening/closing Ceremonies
- Prominent acknowledgment on the CCI List of Supporters

To learn more about sponsorship at any level, contact cci@calpoly.edu.
Make a Donation to Support SGC
SGC sponsorships below $5,000 are welcome and will be acknowledged verbally at the program and on the CCI List of Supporters.
The SGC is also seeking a Galaxy Presenting Sponsor for the 2022-2024 programs.